Love To Be Loved Part 2
When the Ego is forced to its knees, and you just sufferWe all know the feeling when something has been accomplished, right? When we get what we want, we are satisfied and happy.
But what about the difficult moments?
When everything is hopeless, and you feel helpless and desperate? When you’re so lost that compared to you, the mole under the mall could be a cartographer. When everyone wants to help you, do you still feel like the whole world is against you?
I know it is tough to say good things to you now. Everyone wants to help, but the words only dig deeper into your flesh… You feel like you’re being coached, that everyone thinks they’re smarter than you, and that you’re the only one who can’t pull yourself together. This is when you tend to reject the approach of family and friends the most. “Everyone would just leave me alone!” Familiar? And with the feeling of loneliness and being alone, you only push yourself deeper into the mud. But, inside, you actually know what bothers you the most…
We tend to reject and attack those things that we know deep down to be true. And if someone else says the same, our biggest fear has come true!! 😱 After all, this is precisely what we fear the most: that others will notice! How we fail!
It’s no surprise that we put on so many “clothes” that we think the world likes! But now, what will they think of us when they see what is under the “costume”?
They don’t see us as perfect… On the contrary, we look vulnerable and weak! And so, who will love us?

In this case, it’s nearly impossible to say the right words to you. If they only sympathize with you, then the feeling “don’t let anyone feel sorry for me” comes, and if they want to help with advice, the reaction “don’t dare to educate me” comes.
Even if you refuse help for now and feel that what they say to you with all “good intentions” is an attack, believe me, that deep down you heard it, and that response – which may even be rejection – started the healing deep inside you.
Even in the most hopeless situation, the Inner Intelligence deep within you works for you and strives to make you feel good. If you learn to trust it, you’ve already won.
It’s okay if it doesn’t work the first time. Everyone starts like this!
The little exercise in part 3 of this series of articles will help you get closer to yourself!

Further parts of the “Love To Be Loved” article series
Love to be loved part 3
How to break down your barriers, your walls? How to love yourself unconditionally? How to be loved? Read this article, and try the little exercise for the answers!
Love to be loved part 1
Are you angry when you read that only you stand in the way of your well-being? Don’t you feel loveable? Do you even love yourself? Not sure? You are not alone with this! 🤗 Read this!