Lumina Blog

Articles, videos, and meditations for you

to motivate and help you

to start on this wonderful journey

towards yourself.

How to let go of the burdens of your past?

How can you free your life of the burdens of your past? How can you put off the distorting glasses of your history, traumas that obscure the picture of your present? To do this, you have to make a decision first! What do you have to decide? And how should you do that? You can find out in the article!

Silent saboteurs part 2

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Can you easily incorporate healthier habits into your everyday life? No? You can find out why from this article. Let’s work on it together!

Silent saboteurs part 1

Do you know who really runs your life 95% of your day? Did you know where most of your subconscious programs come from? You can find out by reading this article!

Love to be loved part 3

Love to be loved part 3

How to break down your barriers, your walls? How to love yourself unconditionally? How to be loved? Read this article, and try the little exercise for the answers!

Love to be loved part 2

Love to be loved part 2

Do you know the feeling when you succeed? You’re satisfied. But what about the difficult moments? When you feel the whole world is against you. What to do now?

Love to be loved part 1

Love to be loved part 1

Are you angry when you read that only you stand in the way of your well-being? Don’t you feel loveable? Do you even love yourself? Not sure? You are not alone with this! 🤗 Read this!