Love To Be Loved Part 3
When the Ego needs to destroyBelieve me; you are much more than you know about yourself now. Everything you need for your well-being is already available inside you. But, unfortunately, you may have yet to notice.
Would you like to welcome a better life?
Our Ego’s perception accepts familiar information within its walls, which strengthens the belief system it has built. This means that you may not even notice the help that is new to you but is already available, or if you do, you will immediately reject it at first. However, if you need clarification, the guidance is still there; you must break down the walls that currently block these possibilities. But how?
The best wall-breaking tool is permission. Permission to yourself to do this. You may need to consider it: From whom do I need permission to change my life? To live a better life? Myself? Or somebody else?
The Journey Toolbox has an excellent tool for finding this out.
But first of all, you must decide: Would you like to change your life? Would you like to forge your own fate?
You need to say yes, or no. If you say yes and take responsibility for your life, you’re already after the most challenging step. Then you need to give permission to yourself to do this. You need openness and unlimited love for yourself. You must be open to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, which is always there! What light?
Self-love, this infinite love within you, is the light that always lights up the darkness.
But to reach this light, you must first face your shadow. So please read this article to see what I mean by your shadow.

Everything starts by loving ourselves
Don’t you understand what all these means, what I have written about so far? How could you learn to love yourself?
Now try the following short, but extremely powerful exercise I learned in one of Louise L. Hay’s courses and watch your reaction!
Go to the mirror, look deep into your own eyes, and say:
“I love you! I love you very much!”
Did it work?
Congratulations! Then you’re on the right track. Now all you have to do is to do this with the whole experience every time you stand in front of a mirror or catch a glimpse of your reflection somewhere. If you don’t have the opportunity to say it out loud, just think about it, but even then, look deeply into your eyes. Have you noticed that you smile even then? Repeat this task for at least a week, but you will feel how long you need it anyway. Where is the point when you love yourself with all your heart, even without a reminder from the mirror, and this positive feeling permeates your whole day and always stays with you!
Please don’t give up yet; many of us have started this way, and you are not alone! Let’s start with a slightly more straightforward task, one of Louise L. Hay’s favorite love exercises. Stand in front of the mirror with open arms and say out loud: “I let love into my life. It feels safe to let love in. So I say yes to letting love in.” Louise recommends saying these few lines three times a day. Believe me; you will unravel in a few days until you finally tear down the walls between you and your self-love. And then, you can continue with the first exercise.

To experience this incredible potential love, we must break down our inner barriers and walls and turn to ourselves with infinite openness. And if that happened, then it’s time to peel back these “clothes” we’ve put on ourselves over time and see what’s underneath them, deep down. Then, finally, we must return to our childish selves, who still knew we were lovable.
As strange as mirror work may seem at first, it has already helped millions of people create a better, more abundant life. Don’t give up!
By regularly repeating the short exercise above, you can experience the magical experience of your own lovability yourself! After that, you will never want to let it go, and you won’t let it overshadow you!
If you have reached the point where you already love yourself, then others will notice this in you, too. You will also radiate love to the outside world! And you will soon notice how much love you will receive from others in return! It works as simple as that. What we give is what we get back.
Healing, well-being, and the experience of universal love begin here. At loving ourselves since “love is your true nature.”
Further parts of the “Love To Be Loved” article series
Love to be loved part 2
Do you know the feeling when you succeed? You’re satisfied. But what about the difficult moments? When you feel the whole world is against you. What to do now?
Love to be loved part 1
Are you angry when you read that only you stand in the way of your well-being? Don’t you feel loveable? Do you even love yourself? Not sure? You are not alone with this! 🤗 Read this!