I’m Anita Biri-Sulyok

Life Transformation Specialist
Can I help you to find & forge your own path?
It’s time to come home to yourself!

The Journey – One of the most effective transformation methods in the world

Lumina Blog

You may recognize yourself from time to time in the articles, videos, meditations, and in my own story. The familiar “me too” feeling might be born in you, too.

They help you recognize your life’s negative patterns, old traumas, and difficulties from your childhood or the recent past. Hopefully, they highlight for you that past pains can all be healed.

I hope they motivate you to start this incredible journey toward yourself!

The Journey

A fast, effective, uplifting method that helps you regain your physical health, peace of mind, and balance.

Free yourself from the burdens of your past, let go of stress, and create the life you’ve always wanted!

Are you anxious? Are you constantly tired and unwell?

Do you always want to meet the world's, people's expectations?

Does the negativity emanating from your environment easily affect you? Are you consumed by hopelessness?

Are you tired of the fact that no matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of your bad habits?

Or do you simply want to get to know yourself, reach and release your full potential, and get the most out of your life?

I you answered YES to any of these questions, then you are in the right place!

Now is the time to unlock your full potential. So say HELLO to THE NEW YOU!


The purpose of the Lumina website is to help you. To shine a light in the darkness and hold your hand when you feel alone with your suffering and cannot find a way out.

With the fascinating toolbox of The Journey method, you can access your feelings that have appeared but not been experienced. Finally, you suppressed or tried to control them. During the process, it becomes possible for you to become free from them, and they will no longer limit or hold you back. You have the opportunity to live a life that you could not even imagine until now!

Do you want to leave behind your old grievances, traumas, and painful memories?

Do you want to get rid of your bad habits and phobias?

Do you want to heal physically and mentally?

Do you want to live a balanced and happy life?

The Journey can take you there.

To this place, where you can finally drop all the masks and masquerades to please the outside world. That you only put on unnoticed, maybe even for you, to conform to your surroundings. To be a perfect child, husband, wife, to suit for being perfect parent, excellent friend, student, fit at work, citizen, and all in all, an ideal human being.

It’s time to come home to yourself and get to know who you really are. With this knowledge, you can free yourself from the pressure of the world around you!

You realize that stress is just your response to changes in the world, which are born from deeply programmed patterns in you. With the help of this method, you can rewrite these programs and thus your relationship with the world around you. You can rewrite your reactions to difficulties, which will radically change. You get the opportunity to live an easier life!

It’s time to be free and healthy! Effortlessly get the most out of yourself, unleash your creativity, and create the life you’ve always wanted! After all, it all depends on you!

So what do you need to do about this?

First, you have to decide: Do you want to change? If so, ask yourself: Are you ready to take responsibility for yourself? To take responsibility for your free will, your health, and the development of your destiny? Are you ready to make a difference in your life?

After all, it is only up to you; no one can do this for you.

If your answer is still yes, this is the place for you! But know this: To get the most out of yourself and realize your full potential, you must first face your shadow. But you don’t have to do this alone! I’m here with you and helping you on your way! You can count on me! 🧑‍🤝‍🧑💗

How long does a Journey process take?

First, in an approx. 20-30 minute conversation, we get to know each other, discuss your problem and blockage, and tune in to each other. After that, your journey takes approx. 1.5-2 hours. Finally, we discuss what happened and what is to come. For the whole process, count on approx. 3 hours, but it can be a little shorter. It also depends on the nature of your blockage and which tool we use during the process.

How does The Journey work?

It depends on the nature of your problem that made you come to the Journey.

The different techniques have in common: you usually sit with your eyes closed, and I guide you with my voice. First, we start with a short relaxation, slow down, and arrive at the present moment. The basis of the method is that we are present with the feelings and move along them.

For more information, see The Journey page.

But I can't feel anything; I can't differentiate my feelings! In fact, I don't even have any!

Many people feel this way for the first time, don’t worry; you are not alone. This also means that you have a strong diverting and masking mechanism, but that’s why it’s essential to work on yourself! Believe me! You will be surprised during the process that you do have feelings too, and when you release them and let them go, you will experience a sense of freedom that you can’t even imagine now!

How many times do I need to have a Journey process?

It depends on you, as well as on how complex your problem is. You can’t tell in advance. Often, one time is enough to make a change, but it is possible that you have to sit down with the same blockage multiple times. You may have to examine it from different points of view and go around from all sides before the long-awaited recovery arrives.

Where does The Journey take place?

It’s up to you! Either in person in Fót or online. Yes, you read that right. 🙂 The Journey method works perfectly online. In fact! For some people, online works even better! After all, you are in your environment, your home, where you feel safe. After the process, you don’t have to travel home, but you can lie down to rest if you feel like it. Many people can open up to themselves better in this way.

The only thing that matters during Journeywork is that you hear my voice because I will guide you. The Journey is not a healing method where my presence is essential. It’s inside work that you do! So I will only accompany you with my voice and keep you on your journey. But you do the work yourself!

Of course, this is your decision! 🙂

What does it take? What do you need for it?

You. Your determination, your curiosity, and your openness. I recommend that you dress comfortably; even your favorite, most comfortable clothes in which you feel good, can also help you relax and open up.

I've already tried several methods, I don't believe in quick, easy solutions!

It’s only natural that you have doubts. We all have it when we enter an unknown territory. The question is, will you let it get the better of you and dismiss the method without even trying it? Or do you allow yourself to try something new and form your own opinion based on your experience?

I know this sounds strange at first but imagine an onion. Let’s assume that there is a beautiful, sparkling gem under the onion skins right in the middle! Just hold on; keep reading! 🙂

This magical treasure is no longer visible from the outside due to the many tightly fitting onion skins. Nevertheless, you are attracted to and desire it, so you somehow decide to get this brilliant diamond! But just as you start peeling off the skin of the onion to get to the center of it, tears are already flowing; it stings, burns, and you suffer.

Are you putting this onion aside to avoid the moment’s inconvenience?

Or do you have enough courage to endure the temporary, brief pain and reach the longed-for miracle deep inside?

Do you have the courage to face your fears?

Are you ready to release your anger, resentment, and pain?

If your answer is still YES,
then it’s time!
Let’s start
your journey
to yourself now!


"The first Journey process of my life was led by a female psychologist quite a few years ago, the second by Anita. Cleverly, intelligently, with utmost care and tact - all applied at the right time.

Anita's helpful questions, asked with excellent sense, are never intrusive; on the contrary, dressed in a delicate form, they are maximally profound and goal-oriented.

The follow-up email summarizes the key messages of what was said, lists the resources and what we should pay attention to in order to deepen the experience gained during the Journey process even more. She also helps with what we can do after the emotional resolution(s), which can further support the impact of the process on us.

I sincerely recommend to everyone who wants to experience a profound Journey to choose Anita as a Journey Practitioner both of her emotional intelligence, her preparation, her composure, and her practicality; she has such a lucky combination and such a wide range of tools that we rarely get from one person."

B. Gyöngyvér

"I’m so enthusiastic about my Journey process with Anita because it was an incredibly liberating and beautiful experience. Although I had many Journey processes before, this one remains particularly memorable for me.

What I especially appreciate about Anita is her exceptional professionalism, complete attentiveness, and empathy throughout the process. Always guiding me with the right direction according to the clearly defined and vocalized intention set before the journey. Whenever I felt a bit uncertain, she always knew exactly where we needed to go next, and her gentle voice helped me stay engaged in the process.

During the journey, I discovered a part of myself that had been suppressed for decades, tightly bound and waiting for my attention. This part of me had been causing a constant sense of restraint, powerlessness, and worthlessness in my daily life. With Anita's help, I was able to liberate and integrate this part of myself. Since then, I have felt a profound change in my well-being and how I experience myself!

I am deeply grateful to Anita for this journey! Thank you."

G. Magda

"Anita ignited my curiosity about the journey. I knew I needed change, but I also felt a bit apprehensive. Looking back, I’m so glad we began, as the first session convinced me that this inner work is something I must continue. Anita’s professionalism, wisdom, and kindness are both calming and inspiring. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who seeks transformation and a positive shift in their life. I am deeply grateful to Anita for the time we’ve spent together!"

B. Anikó

"From the very first moment, I felt a deep connection with Anita, which only grew stronger during The Journey processes she guided me through. Her kind and friendly personality, infinite patience, soothing and gentle voice, and compassionate, empathetic nature helped me open up and brought my deepest feelings and thoughts to the surface without any reservations. Thanks to her professional expertise and natural talent, working with her is a truly rewarding experience, and I always feel safe in her presence. It feels like she was born to do this. I hope we will have many more journeys together!"

H. Viki

“I was quite impressed by Anita’s clarity, patience during this wonderful Journey, and ability to use all the available tools during the process, exactly when needed. It took a long time for me to break down the walls and fall through all of my layers, but there was no pressure from Anita to hurry. During the journey, she kept the healing space present, and the campfire process was also complete. I consider this Journey the best I’ve ever had! In the end, I received a nice e-mail with all the useful tips and advice from Source, the necessary resources always to remind myself. It’s appreciated very much! Anita really managed to keep track of this whole healing Journey. So thanks again!"

Wouter V.d.K.

"I first heard about The Journey and Anita from a friend. Initially, I was nervous because I was almost sure that my conscious mind would not turn off, I was "down to earth" in my whole life, and I thought the whole journey would most likely be a failure. I was sooo wrong!!! Anita created the atmosphere and space in seconds that brought out my subconscious. She accompanied me very kindly but firmly throughout; her voice was soothing and encouraging when I was stuck, she helped me get out of it quickly, and when I was unsure, she encouraged me. She paid close attention to my thoughts, feelings, and reactions, and she reacted to them immediately, so the whole journey was a positive experience for me. For the first time, I was able to bring to the surface many previously suppressed feelings, which I can now work on. I am definitely planning more Journey processes with her."

S. Orsolya

"From the very first session, I was captivated by Anita’s gentle yet strong presence. She expertly guided the journey, and her soothing voice helped me effortlessly navigate even the most challenging moments. Throughout the process, I felt completely safe, knowing I was in the best hands. I dared to confront my deepest emotions, and by releasing them, I could finally live a full and joyful life again. Thank you, Anita — I wholeheartedly recommend her to everyone!"

M. Tímea

"From the very first moment with Anita, I knew I was in good hands. I wasn’t familiar with the method, so I didn’t know exactly what to expect. During the journey, I delved deep within myself, and Anita was there every step of the way, guiding me and providing a sense of safety. Right after the session, I noticed a remarkable change—I was filled with an almost euphoric happiness. I am deeply grateful and wholeheartedly recommend this method to others."

U. Orsi

What can The Journey help you with?

thejourney - get healthy

Healing from physical illness

E.g., chronic pain, tumor, infertility, …

During the process, we will reveal the spiritual root cause behind your physical illness and resolve it so that your cells can be cleansed of the harmful imprint of the old memory and continue to divide healthily again! With the help of the method, your body regains its natural self-healing ability. As a result, regain your health and vitality!

thejourney - emotional issues, depression

Emotional blockages

E.g., eating disorders, integration problems, jealousy, mistrust, anxiety, anger, panic attacks, depression…

During Journeywork, we uncover the inhibiting emotions behind your problem that significantly impair the quality of your life. We go all the way to the root cause of your issue and let it go.

The Journey - Bad habits, beliefs, phobias

Harmful habits, beliefs, behavior patterns, phobias

You probably also have bad habits and behavior patterns you want to eliminate! Maybe you also have a phobia that makes your everyday life miserable. Or you stick to a vow but don’t even know why anymore.

With the help of effective techniques found in The Journey method toolbox, you can quickly get rid of these depressing habits and beliefs. Let’s live a free life!

About me

My life has changed radically in recent years. After a long search, I found My Path. I have found the key that opens the door behind which is the light. Pure love, infinite peace, trust, and faith. Faith in myself. That I can do anything! And it is there in you at this very moment, as well. Even if this is surprising to you now, it is still true. It’s time to reveal who you really are. Welcome your true self!

For some time now, I feel that I cannot continue without passing on what has already helped me so much! It is so important, especially in such challenging times when negativity has reached its peak around us.

Why can’t we continue to grow together? After all, that’s what life is about! Everyone is looking for themselves and how to create a life that will bring them the happiness they have always wanted. And this needs to be done every day. You have to improve yourself every day. This is the one constant in life, in this constantly changing world.

I hope you will be inspired by my writings, videos, and meditations, and I can offer you a little guidance toward your light. If you wish, I can even help you process and let go of your old grievances and emotions stuck in your cell memory with The Journey so that you, too, can reach your true essence, the infinite love, and peace still there in you! Thanks to this, you can achieve freedom, develop your inner potential, and create the life you’ve always wanted for yourself!

That’s why I created this website and started with The Journey so that I can help you to fulfill yourself and live a better life in this complicated world!

Would you like to find out how I found my own Path?

A little motivation…

How to let go of the burdens of your past?

How can you free your life of the burdens of your past? How can you put off the distorting glasses of your history, traumas that obscure the picture of your present? To do this, you have to make a decision first! What do you have to decide? And how should you do that? You can find out in the article!

Love to be loved part 3

How to break down your barriers, your walls? How to love yourself unconditionally? How to be loved? Read this article, and try the little exercise for the answers!

Love to be loved part 2

Do you know the feeling when you succeed? You’re satisfied. But what about the difficult moments? When you feel the whole world is against you. What to do now?

Love to be loved part 1

Are you angry when you read that only you stand in the way of your well-being? Don’t you feel loveable? Do you even love yourself? Not sure? You are not alone with this! 🤗 Read this!

Silent saboteurs part 2

How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Can you easily incorporate healthier habits into your everyday life? No? You can find out why from this article. Let’s work on it together!

Silent saboteurs part 1

Do you know who really runs your life 95% of your day? Did you know where most of your subconscious programs come from? You can find out by reading this article!