Love To Be Loved Part 2 When the Ego is forced to its knees, and you just suffer We all know the feeling when something has been accomplished, right? When we get what we want, we are satisfied and happy. But what about the difficult moments? When everything is...
Love To Be Loved Part 1 What is the basis of genuine well-being and health? “Love is much more than a feeling, an emotion. Love is your true nature.” Robert Holden Don’t you feel lovable? Do you think that to be loved, you have to meet the outside...
Silent Saboteurs Part 2 How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? “Libraries could be filled if all the New Year’s resolutions were written in books and printed yearly. But a bookshelf could be enough for the volumes containing the resolutions...
Silent Saboteurs Part 1 Who's in charge of your life? “The east wind became so strong that he could feel it on his face. (…) He envied the freedom of the wind and realized that he, too, could obtain freedom for himself. Nothing is stopping him, only...
6. rész: Hazataláltam Biri-Sulyok Anita Amikor megkaptam a diagnózist a cisztáról, akkor hoztam egy döntést: Tudom mi a konfliktusom, ennek itt és most a végére járok, és végleg leszámolok vele! Három napra mindent félretettem, és csak magammal foglalkoztam, hogy a...
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